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Plasmalogen is essential to a healthy brain. A healthy brain is the main ingredient to a happy life. These research studies illustrate the importance of Plasmalogen.

plasmalogen function

Inspiring research into Plasmalogen is happening everyday, across borders. This study is a collaboration between teams at the University of Mississippi and multiple Australian institutes.

Our unique ingredient, Plasmalogen, is capturing the attention of research institutions all over the globe.

FUNCTION OF plasmalogen lipids

In this article, researchers from McGill University in Montreal and John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore explore the novel properties of Plasmalogens and their role in physiology. It highlights structural attributes while exploring the impacts of Plasmalogen deficiency.

plasmalogen function

Plasmalogen function in the body is still being investigated everyday. Promising results are emerging from every corner of the neurological research world.

plasmalogen function

Animal studies have shown that Plasmalogen supplements make it past the digestive system and into the body. Click on the image to open the article in a new window.


A team of researchers in Germany explore the ether lipid-deficient mouse. Highlighting the cellular functions, cell membrane formation, and intracellular homeostasis, this article focuses on the role of Plasmalogens.

plasmalogen function

There is a lot of interesting research going on in the world of Plasmalogen. Academic institutions and research facilities are doing new research everyday.

Our unique ingredient, Plasmalogen, is capturing the attention of research institutions all over the globe.


This article from Mayo Foundation Clinic and Boston University School of Medicine highlights the role of Plasmalogens in nervous tissue and throughout important areas of the human body.

plasmalogen function

Plasmalogen is a safe and natural compound that is found everywhere in the brain.