What is Plasmalogen?
Supporting The Brain

In short, a plasmalogen is a molecule essential to our lives. It provide natural brain care and widely exists in the body and is found everywhere in the brain.
Plasmalogen is a phospholipid, a unique class of membrane structures that comprise an essential component of cellular health.
It has anti-oxidative properties and is studied globally for its unique molecular structure and role in health.
History of Plasmalogen
Plasmalogen was serendipitously discovered in 1924 by Feulgen and Voit while staining tissue sections with a nuclear stain that reacts with aldehydes released by acid hydrolysis of DNA (Snyder, 1999). Because the acid treatment also resulted in breakdown of the vinyl ether bond of plasmalogens to generate aldehydes, the researchers unexpectedly also observed cytoplasmic staining and named the unknown source of aldehydes “plasmalogens”.
The study of Plasmalogen, and ether lipids in general, has been long and arduous. In the beginning, the progress was slow and scattered. Recently, much advancement has been made in our understanding of the roles of ether lipids in health.

Plasmalogen is considered to play the role of antioxidant and neuroprotectant because it has a vinyl ether bond, a chemical structure that has a high reactivity with oxygen.
Decreasing with Age

This essential molecular component decreases by 40% naturally with aging.
Plasmalogen can help preserve brain neurons. Helping protect brain lipid and lipoprotein particles from oxidative stress, it leverages a vinyl ether bond to react with oxygen and play the role of antioxidant.
Exciting research is showing that Plasmalogen supports cognition and promotes healthy brain function.
Animal studies have shown orally administered Plasmalogen supplements increasing the amount of Plasmalogens in tissue and blood serum tests.
By supplementing the natural compounds lost with aging, extracted Plasmalogen has been shown to support brain health.
Although they are widespread in all tissues and represent up to 18% of the total phospholipid mass in humans, their physiological function is still poorly understood. It is only fairly recently that science is discovering the connections between these compounds and cognitive health. Research into decreases in Plasmalogen levels is yielding results.
Plasmalogen, by virtue of a vinyl ether bond and enrichment in DHA and Amino Acids, play a critical role in cell membranes—providing unique structural attributes, facilitating signaling processes and protecting membrane lipids from oxidation.
Found to have higher concentrations in the brain, cardiovascular, nervous, and immune systems and in human heart tissue, we are finally beginning to understand the importance of this largely overlooked lipid.

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Best Source of Plasmalogen
Sea Pineapple, also known as Japanese Sea Squirt, is the premiere source of Plasmalogen. Beyond having rich plasmalogen levels, Sea Pineapple provides a dietary source of EPA and DHA.

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